How we work
Getting to the root cause of your skin issues
As nutritional therapists and functional medicine practitioners, we consider all potential factors contributing to your condition and symptoms. When appropriate, we use testing to fine-tune and customise your support plan.
Our aim is not just to reduce symptoms now but to achieve long lasting symptom relief and to improve your overall health and well-being.
Your journey with The Skin Clinic
1.Comprehensive case taking and review of medical history
Our approach starts with taking a comprehensive history of your health, including your medical history, diet, lifestyle, and environment. We thoroughly review your existing medical data and any prior tests or investigations.
Our goal is to uncover the unique underlying factors driving your symptoms, and these vary from person to person.
2. Taking the first steps and arranging testing
We develop a clear action plan and evaluate whether additional conventional or functional medicine tests are needed, selecting the most appropriate options for your specific needs.
A typical initial support plan often involves adjustments to your diet, such as adding or removing specific foods based on our discussions. It may also include lifestyle modifications if we identify factors contributing to your symptoms. We might recommend high-quality supplements at therapeutic doses tailored to your needs and assist with organising further testing, either through your GP or privately.
If tests are required, we assist you in organising private tests that we've agreed on. Additionally, we may write to your GP to request NHS-funded tests, ensuring no extra costs to you.
More about testing >
3. Ongoing care to track progress and adjust support plan as needed.
We review your test results and explain how they relate to your condition and overall health. We also assess your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your support plan.
Follow-up appointments are essential for building on the foundations we've established, ensuring you stay motivated, focused, and actively engaged in the process while we closely monitor you.
Book your healthy skin assessment
We offer a complimentary 15-minute consultation to help determine if we are the right fit for your needs and to address any questions you may have. We will also discuss the programme that best suits your needs.
"Their expertise has truly transformed my life"
"I am grateful for the compassionate and knowledgeable team at the clinic. Their expertise in nutrition and lifestyle medicine has truly transformed my life. I now have hope and confidence in managing my condition"
Clinic Testing
A common question we are often asked is about the types of tests we use. We use a variety of tests tailored to each client’s needs and we only recommend them after a thorough assessment.
Often, we refer clients to their GP for basic tests, such as blood or stool tests, which can be arranged without requiring specialist referral. We are happy to communicate with your GP to request these tests on your behalf, with your consent. Basic blood tests alone can provide a wealth of valuable initial information.
In addition, we may recommend functional tests, including comprehensive stool analysis, hormone panels (such as sex hormones, thyroid, and stress hormones), allergy panels, food sensitivity testing, SIBO breath tests, assessments for mould exposure and mould related illness, and genetic testing, among others.
As qualified professionals, we are able to organise and interpret these tests for you. While testing is not always essential, it can provide invaluable insights to guide us on your health journey.
Book your healthy skin assessment
We offer a complimentary 15-minute consultation to help determine if we are the right fit for your needs and to address any questions you may have. We will also discuss the programme that best suits your needs.